Friday, September 19, 2008

Election News

The only television from America we get is via Armed Forces TV, which has one news channel.  The news channel has many Fox programs, which means little news.  They may have CNN for an hour, Fox an hour, ABC an hour, back to Fox for two hours, and so on.  I very seldom turn it on.

The only other way of keeping up with politics is via the internet.  So thanks to you, Al Gore, for inventing it, because now I can find out things like John McCain created the BlackBerry.   Who knew?  

I thought ever since March Obama was going to lose, because I thought his campaign was a little lackluster and unfocussed.  Sort of warmed-over John Kerry, except for their determination to retaliate for all attacks, real and imagined, which I thought took some of the sheen off the postpartisan candidate image.

But Sarah Quaylin has changed my mind.  She's like Katherine Harris without the eyeshadow, only worse.  I just have to believe that the 10% of voters in the middle who decide who our president is going to be would not vote for Palin for President, and the more confused and addled and clueless McCain sounds, the more likely it is that she would be president within four years.  The obvious willingness of this pair to say and do anything to get elected is making Mitt Romney seem like a pillar of consistency.  

But we'll see -- it's hard to get a clear picture of what is going on from here.


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