Saturday, December 11, 2010

Rant I

Each month of my little 2011 Daily Planner has a quotation; the one for January is this: “Procrastination is like a credit card: it’s a lot of fun until you get the bill.”

I can’t help but to think of our President and Dear Ole Senate Majority Leader – no one told them the Bush tax cuts were going to expire the end of the month! No one told them repealing DADT might take more than a week! No one told them there would be a new Congress sworn in the first part of January! So they had to do the best they could under the circumstances.

Which, since the month isn’t over yet, things may turn out okay, but yet again I’m getting the sinking feeling that lack of planning and lack of will are going to ensure a less-than-stellar result. Sort of like getting assigned a semester paper in September, starting on it the middle of January, and telling your professor it was the best that you could do in a week, and expecting to get a decent grade.

Maybe this is what Will Rogers meant when he said he wasn’t a member of any organized party, he was a Democrat.

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