Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Flat In London

I've been in my flat now since Saturday morning, even though they changed me. I'm now at 55 York Street instead of 38. And thanks, Carol and Robert, I now know 221b as Sherlock's residence. It's just a few blocks from here. You'll be surprised to learn that the site now houses the Sherlock Holmes Museum.

Poor old Watson isn't even in the credits, despite "recording" all of the Holmes tales. He evidently learned nothing from Plato. Holmes, like Socrates, wrote nothing -- they just had good "biographers." I doubt there is a James Boswell museum in London, either.

At any rate, it is cold and wet here in London. Nancey reminded me of the Robert Browning poem that starts "Oh to be in England when April's there," but I expect Robert and Elizabeth were off to Greece or southern Italy or somewhere sunnier when he wrote it. I wouldn't at all mind being in a warmer southern city, such as Tirana, say. As a nameless lady in the elevator said today, why do you think they say April showers bring May flowers? They're trying to make us feel better. It's supposed to be dry this weekend, so I'll get out and take more London pictures for my Albania blog.

In the meantime, I'm pretty much flat in my flat in London myself. The fetal position on my right side for three-fourths of the day and all night will continue at least until Friday, when I hope to find that the gas bubble has dissipated enough that it is no longer advantageous to my retina repair for me to lay around.

Until the muse strikes again,



Frank said...

Hello my long lost brother. Or, is it I who has been lost. Shortly after returning from Africa, a marvelous trip, Natasha and I separated and I have bee getting computer and other implements to assist connect with the modern world. My new email address is:
frankttt at live.com
Please write.
Dave, I was shocked to learn of your predicament. I just happened to read up on retinal issues before leaving for Africa as Drs thought Natasha had a detached retina, which, as I recall is a more general form of the malady that you have - or yours is a more specific form. How are you doing now? Do you know what precipitated it? Why did the Drs let you fly from Albania to England in that condition? It has been a while since I read about detached retina, but my recollection is that there are proceedures that attempt to re attach the retina to the back of the eye. Are they contemplatiing doing that in your case?
When I read your description of English Aopril, I am reminded why I moved here to L.A. It is 82 and quite sunny.
Are you able to use your eye now? Or is it taped shut? Are you currently doing the translating that Cindy referred to? Do you never tire of criticizing poor, obsessive Tchaichovsky?
Do you, BTW, have an email address? I am looking forward to catching up.

Unknown said...

Great to read your blog, Dave -- I'm so relieved to hear things are going well. Glad you are getting to see a little of London, even if it is not under the best of conditions. Hope your healing is speedy!

Cindy did a great job of keeping us informed. When you get an email mail, let me know. Still reeling from Frank's email...
Love, Valena

Robert said...

If April showers bring May flowers then May flowers bring Pilgrims.