Monday, April 21, 2008

Here we go again

We now know what the term medevac means. Dave woke up on Sunday morning and his vision was closing in on his right eye. He said it was like someone was pulling a shade from the top down and another one from the bottom up. He waited until my first cup of coffee before he broke the news to me, and then said "I've got some bad news." Well, given that water and electricity are sporadic in Albania, the medical situation is not good. So, the medical officer here decided to medevac him to London. Dave took a commercial flight this morning around 5:00 am (left home at 3:30 am) to London, and is now safely ensconced at the Wellington Hospital (minus his luggage). So, he has no clean underwear with him, but hopefully since he's in the hospital, he won't need it for awhile. I'm still waiting to hear from him later today after he is seen by the surgeon, Dr. Zambarakji. If you click on the link below, you can read a little bit about the surgeon.

I will post more on here as soon as I know more. Taylor, Zeta and I remain in Albania. I could not go with him because of Taylor, dog, work, etc. Dave is much calmer about this than I am, which is true about most things. I'm not sure who all may be reading this, but if you know someone who would like to know this information, please feel free to forward it on. Send good thoughts our way. More later.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks Cindy - I know you will give us updates as soon as you can. Give Dave my love. Valena