Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Sun Shines In London

Today was a nice sunny spring day; the temperature got up to 70 degrees. The papers tell us that tomorrow we'll be suffering through the hottest day of the year so far, where the temperature is expected to go crashing through the 72 degree barrier, and very humid. I guess it's all what you're used to, but after living in the south for so many years I just can't imagine London as a hot and humid place.

My doctor's appointment yesterday went well. I am down to one bottle of eye drops rather than three, and I don't have to do the positioning any more, just try to sleep on my side at night. So that in essence means I'm free to move about the city. My going home on the train idea was shot down because of the elevation of the passes over the Alps, which are close to equaling the cabin pressure of an airplane. So I'm stuck here at least until my next appointment on the 16th.

Today I walked around Regent's Park, which was very nice. Very well landscaped, and lots in bloom. Every street corner, in this part of town, at least, has painted on the curb "Look right," I guess because London has so many foreigners now to whom looking right is backwards from what they're used to. I seem to remember that sometime between the world wars Winston Churchill was in New York and looked the wrong way trying to cross the street and was hit by a car and ended up in the hospital. As much as I admire Churchill, I'm trying hard not to emulate him in this respect, but it does seem a bit strange looking at the curb paintings. I have this momentary feeling that they've painted them all wrong.

I picked up my Underground map today, as well as a Michelin London guide, and am set to be a tourist tomorrow, off on the tube to Trafalgar Square. If I'm really lucky, the organist will be practising at St. Martin In the Fields.


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