Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Google

A couple of people have questioned my use of "the google" in some posts.  So I feel compelled to explain that I have borrowed the term from one of our presidential candidates.  I won't say which one, but he's the one who, in the last couple of months, has said he knows nothing about economics and it wouldn't bother him if we stayed in Iraq a hundred years.  He also has said he knows virtually nothing about the Internet, but is trying to learn to connect, and hopefully he'll learn enough soon to be able to do email and maybe even the google.  Maybe the google was a dance when he was a child; if so, maybe he could teach it to Paris Hilton.  Two empty minds could unite in a common cause.

I don't mean this to be unduly uncharitable.  I'm sure the man is not nearly as mean-tempered as he is made out to be.  I respect the man for his military service, POW years, and time in the Senate.   But what does that have to do with qualifications to be president of the United States?  Is every former POW "qualified" because of that unfortunate experience?  Every Senator?  I realize that a lot of people will vote for whomever because they have an R (or a D) behind their name.  But it says volumes to me that our senior senator from Mississippi seems not to be able to stand the guy.  But don't worry, be happy, go do the google.

1 comment:

Elisabeth said...

This is one of your most awesome posts! Keep it up!