Thursday, August 21, 2008

Return From Saranda

The top two pictures are of the highway, with olive groves on either side.  A lot of groves are being cut down to make room for all the construction.  In the top one the Ionian Sea is visible -- the groves went right down to the beach.  Maybe I should have labeled this post something to do with domestic animals.   The cows, goats, sheep, donkeys wander around the highways.  This cow was one of the group eating out of the trash bin.

The white paint on the tree trunks looks like what we used to have on our apple trees when I was a child.  I think it had a heavy dose of lime in it, and is supposed to protect against insects, I assume the bark borer type.

The bottom pictures are of the goat herd.  The crossed the road in front of us, followed by their herder (hard to tell if he was herding or chasing).  They walked through this house under construction, although work has temporarily stopped.  I don't have a picture, but the cows like to lay on the floors.  A bit hard, I would think if I was a cow, but out of the sun, and the concrete should be cool.

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