Friday, November 13, 2009

He's Coming Home

Well, Dave has been in London since November 1 dealing with his eyes. He went up there to see what they could do for his eyes. For those of you who have (or have not) been keeping up, on his right eye, he's had a detached retina (twice) and cataract surgery. Since then, he has developed a secondary cataract on the new lens on the right eye, and all the while he was developing a cataract on the left eye. With his eye issues and the fact that his hearing is shot, he keeps saying he just needs a head transplant - but, that's another story. Anyway, he goes to London, and right off the bat, they zap the right eye (what we have been calling his bad eye) and it's doing great. A few days later, he goes to have the cataract removed from the left eye. All goes well for a time, then he has an allergic reaction to some of the drops he is using and somehow gets a scratch on his cornea. So, instead of coming home this past Tuesday, he will come tomorrow, just in time for the Marine Corps Ball. Taylor and I have eaten pizza, Chinese food, stuff from the freezer, etc. And, we have now developed an attachment to a new puppy. We have promised to let Dave name him Rover if he agrees to let us get the dog. We will see. He says he's ok - we'll see when we get a look at him.

I finally moved into this century and got a Facebook page, but have not yet convinced Dave to do so. If anyone's reading, send him a comment and let him know you're thinking about him.


1 comment:

Valena said...

Hey Dad (and Cindy),

I drafted a big response to your last post about the sports teams being plural/singular but I lost internet connection and it disappeared. So, I'm glad you're going to finally get back tomorrow, I was starting to worry a little. I'm sure you're relieved you'll be back in time for the Marine Corps Ball!