Thursday, February 18, 2010

Leipzig II - Schumann

Robert and Clara Schumann lived in this house from their marriage in September 1840 until the end of 1844, a little over four years. In this room, minus no doubt the aluminum hotel chairs, they entertained and made music with and/or for other musicians such as Liszt, Berlioz, Mendelssohn. Richard Wagner was born in Leipzig, but I'm not going to research to see if he ever visited there.

I was intrigued by the stove on the left wall. As far as I could tell it did not have a chimney connected to it. Even if only hot coals were put in the fire box, it would generate smoke; some of it must have leaked out. Research for another day.

The entrance vestibule on the right, mid-way down the hall. The apartment is on the first floor, or as we would say in the States, the second floor.

The stairs from the entry hall up to the apartments. Very nicely done from a craftsman's standpoint. The wood on the treads has worn away and walking up gives one an odd feeling. When you put your foot down it is about 3/4 of an inch below where you expect it to land.

The entry foyer; the doors at the end open to the street, and are the reverse side of the next photo.

Inselstrasse 18, Leipzig.

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