Saturday, February 20, 2010

Leipzig VII - Fasching (Mardi Gras)

On my way back to the hotel after leaving the Mendelssohn house, I came upon a Fasching parade getting ready to start. They threw candy which the big and little kids fought over -- no beads.
The guy drinking the beer is a security guard. He kept one in his pocket the whole time. He had a stash somewhere close.

My favorite old tractor. The older gentleman in the green coat turned out to be the driver, and here he's instructing the orange-headed guy how to start it, which turned out to be by a round crank-type wheel from the side. It sounded like an old John Deere 2 stroke engine -- you could hear it putting all over the parade route. The parade route, incidentally, was a bi-directional, so I saw everything twice, going and coming; I knew I was standing in the forming area, but I was a little surprised they went down the street several blocks and turned around and came back before turning down a street and progressing in one direction.

The Krewe de Vieux entry.

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