Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Walk To the Grocery Store

1This is our street.  Our house is the red brick with the Mercedes in front of it.  Walking to the grocery store takes about five to ten minutes, depending on attitude.  Taylor and all her chums play in the street in front of the house.  I think just about every house in Tirana has a wall-like fence around it.
2This is the main street to our street.  I took No. 1 and No. 2 from the same spot.
3Turn right here and go down this street.  No. 3 and No. 4 are taken just a couple feet apart.
4The pavement ends three blocks from our house.  Go down this street and veer right at the end.
5Veering right means go straight down this street ahead.

 6.  This cow is going into his final resting place, at least in this form.

The next batch of pictures is a little out of order.  Go to No. 10, then 9, 8, and 7, then 6. Sorry.  

7.  Turn left and head to the end of this street.  It is a new apartment building with retail space on the first floor.

8.  Turn right at the corner and go up this street.  The eight-storey new construction was a big hole in the ground the first three months we lived here.  You can see it from the end of our street.

The morning glories are immediately on the left.  The house on the right has grapes growing over the yard.
9No. 10 is the little alley.  Morning glories are blooming on the fence on the left.

Eleven is the Conad, which is an Italian company.  I don't really like their grocery stores, but for mushrooms and mozzarella they're the closest.  I made lasagne with fresh mozzarella because it was the only cheese I could find.  It turned out pretty good.  I've only seen aged mozzarella once.

This should have been before No. 11.  This is the street beside Conad, right around the corner from the cow.
Conad is just one store in this three or four-storey mall.  There are banks, cell phone companies, clothes, etc. 

Hope you had a nice walk.

1 comment:

Elisabeth said...

Awww, Dad, how cute! You've started using British spellings.